Biochemic  Medicine Is discovered by Dr. Wilhelm Heinrich Schuessler, Germany.

Biochemic medicines are those medicines which make use of tissue remedies (inorganic salts of the body tissues) as medicines. Founder of this treatment system is Dr. Wilhelm Heinrich Schuessler of Oldenburg, Germany.

The central idea of biochemic medicine is based on the fact that diseases in human body are caused due to deficiency in any of the 12 salts. They are following in the list. Supplementing humans with theses salts may cure the disease.

  1. Calcium Flouride (CF)
  2. Calcium Phosphate (CP)
  3. Calcium Sulphate (CS)
  4. Ferrum Phosphate (FP)
  5. Kali Muriaticum (Potassium Chloride ) (KM)
  6. Kali Phosphoricum (Potassium Phosphate) (KP)
  7. Kali Sulphuricum (Potassium Sulphate) (KS)
  8. Magnesium Phosphoricum (MP)
  9. Natrum Muriaticum (Sodium Chloride-Common Salt) (NM)
  10. Natrum Phosphoricum (NP)
  11. Natrum Sulphuricum (NS)
  12. Silicea (S)


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